
our own hair was encouraged by friction, lotions, etc., to grow long, glossy and wavy, so that we were able to dispense with the wigs, having our own bobbed hair bleached to a golden colour; our skin was treated with expensive oriental unguents, re- sulting in the complete disappearance of what little hair growth there was, and leaving quite a velvety complexion; eyebrows were plucked to a thin line; hands came in for careful manicuring, while arms and legs were carefully massaged to make them smooth, shapely and muscle-free; tightlacing, which had be- come almost an obsession, to get the slim waist so admired by the Countess, was accelerated, so that we both soon had 22-inch waists over our frocks. Two more important changes were wrought in us, far more effeminising and lasting than all the others, and these were to do with our voice and chest. A minor operation caused the Adam's apple to recede and leave a smooth neckline, while, at the same time a painful course of spraying the vocal cords resulted in a permanent softening of the voice and a raising of its timbre, giving us truly girlish voices. The Countess had been determined to develop feminine breasts on us, and, to this end, the doctor gave us regular and frequent treatment. Pills and injections were supplemented by massage and the use of a vacuum suction pump, and there was no doubt about the success of the treatment, for, at the end of six months, we could both dispense with the falsies we had been constantly using, as we both now had a pair of large, firm breasts, with big sensitive nipples. Another thing was that, from the beginning, we had been made to wear a tiny cache-sex device, which most success- fully hid all sign of masculinity back between the thigh-tops and left us with the smoothest of girlish fronts, even under the most closely fitting undies. Yes, there was no doubt that the Countess had succ- eeded in her aim of completely effeminising us, as, by the above changes, together with careful training in feminine mannerisms, constantly dressing and treating us as girls, and even getting us to talk and think as girls, she had turned us into two pretty